the mind is impressionable, heart is impressionistic and words are intended to create an impression

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Between me and them…

Every word is

Every gesture

Existent… non-existent

Said… unsaid

Everything is.

So sound is a problem

as silence is

And no is a problem

as yes is

And of course dreams

are always a problem

theirs and mine

On days they bang

my room shut

and on nights

I want to

shut them out

Yet, when they are

asleep I want to

wake up their souls

and ask

what the problem is?

Gender is a big problem

Though they wouldn’t admit

Voice is another

As money and style

Caste and comfort

Compliance and control

Power and rule

Need more?

Yet understanding

is so close, when

a mere look could

bridge the chasm

it is but

another problem.

1 comment:

Nawaid Anjum said...

wow!! the problem is they never strike many of us as problems!!! :) beautiful!!!!