the mind is impressionable, heart is impressionistic and words are intended to create an impression

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Demand and Supply

CHORUS: Tough and long
                Is our life, but we live
               For moments of joy
                Spells of glee
                Happiness is all we need.
Person 1: what Happiness?
Person 2: which Happiness?
Person 3:  a meaningless word!
CHORUS: Meaningless?
                The truth of our life…
                Focus of our being…
P1: Qualify!
P2: Qualify!
P3: Qualify!
TOGETHER: Qualify Happiness!
CHORUS: Pleasure needs
no qualification
you feel it bone to bone
like love,
like energy,
like life!
P1: Romantic hopes!
P2: You’ll never know!
P3: Never know what you want!
CHORUS: But some happiness
                is all we want!
P1: Qualify!
P2: Qualify!
P3: Qualify
CHORUS: Qualify how?
P1: What joy?
P2: Fat or slim?
P3: Tall or short?
P1: Black or white or…….maybe?
P2: 17th floor or ground floor?
P3: American stocks or Indian?
P1: Management or sports?
P2: Spiritual or physical?
                                                       Management I think
                                                        Management I want
P1: For 30 yrs ?
                Only that?
                No sports? Sure?
                No spiritual, physical?
                No American Indian?
                No slim or fat?
                No cheese or macroni?
CHORUS : No I want that…
P: What? Which?
P: Qualify! Qualify!
An open market
You can buy
But a smart buyer
You must be
That’s why qualify
What product
Is your Happiness?

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