the mind is impressionable, heart is impressionistic and words are intended to create an impression

Monday, June 22, 2009


Allow my mind

Some limitations

Grant it please

Certain conclusions

And rest shall be ok.

Tell him please

There is a truth

And tell him then

What it is

And rest shall be ok

Everything down

In binary codes

There or not there

Let us then banish

The in-between.

Either present

or absent

black or white

devil or God

not human please.

Yet all meaning

Like the mortal falls

And killing continuities on

Lovely certain takes a toll.

Lay down please

the rules of the game

so one who plays by them

shall win.

Static beauty static life

Let us all be this

And let it conclude at that

But The curse

shall never let that be

and drag our little minds

to walk the dots…

dots getting smaller still.

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