the mind is impressionable, heart is impressionistic and words are intended to create an impression

Monday, June 22, 2009


Let us play

One little game

In that let us give

Everything a name.

A name for every thought,

Every strain of human heart

For each emotion that heaves.

and the slightest flicker of genius.

Let us give a name

To every drop of tear.

A name for every pain

For every little fear.

A simple signifier for all.

To a world thus labeled

Shall everyone belong.

A life so well defined

With everything within the

reach of mind.

No anxiety of acceptance.

Each as powerful as another.

and what with the drudgery

of our present lives,

forever attempting, to identify

to belong to the identified.

That world so free

of this anguish

for that world let us play

This name game.

( I do not know whether it is right to have a logocentric language. Would it be a better world if we could talk of everything? Where words would never fail? I try to dream of a life where everything has a name. But would the internal biases of the language go even then? Isn’t all the world struggling to belong to a dominant language ?)

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