the mind is impressionable, heart is impressionistic and words are intended to create an impression

Monday, June 22, 2009


My Teacher danced

The dance of my life.

With Him I tried to dance at first

But with His steps

The earth so shook.

For Him I tried

then to sing,

but with His roar,

the world trembled.

Him I tried

To admire then,

but with all His

light my sight was blinded.

With folded hands,

I try now to worship,

but the confusion of His dance,

disjoints my thoughts.

The blood on His feet,

The death in His hands,

The destruction He feeds,

Drowns devotion.

This dance of life

If I were left to dance…

A dance of my own,

With beauty and rhythm,

With grace and dignity,

Would I not reject

This gross divinity?

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