the mind is impressionable, heart is impressionistic and words are intended to create an impression

Monday, June 22, 2009


The apparitions of dusk

Lend Her the bridal charms

Scarlet robes, velvet hair

Her gathering darkness

growing darker still

Shy…She wraps

Her arms around you.

Her embrace is the

sip of Lithe

In Her gusts

She sends afloat

Wild messages of love

The twinkling in Her

Expanse is all you can see.

Then on She is

Twinkling no more

She dazzles sparkles

rains down on you.

The magic is complete

She the bride making love

You the groom awestruck

Paralyzed all night

In Her downpour

Whimsical, bashful

Slowly then…

Draws Her tresses apart

The light from Her face

Soft and warm morning

She is the mother now

Indulgent …loving

Growing brighter

Stronger still…Larger

And now, decked with oppressive colours

Sickening opulence, decaying surfeit

Jarring senses, ravishing Herself

The voluptuous whore

Degrees by degrees

She mellows down again

She sits again as yesterday

In Her blushing charm

And for several thousand years now

She sits a virgin

Trapping the naïve heart

In the yarn of Her season.

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